Marcelo Pelleriti
A world-renowned winemaker, Marcelo has done vintages in France —Château Montviel, Château La Gravière, Château Le Gay and Château La Violette in Pomerol— and Argentina —Monteviejo, Marcelo Pelleriti Wines, Abremundos, 1853 Old Vine Estate, Terroir Expressions Hotage, Kauzo, and more —, since 2001. His life is a tale of two countries, as he splits his time in France and Argentina, trying to achieve winemaking excellence in both. His efforts have been rewarded, and rightfully so. He has fulfilled dreams many a winemaker pursues, such as achieving a 100-point rating by Parker. Yet, his passion for wines is a relentless pursuit that led him to embark on his own personal project, Marcelo Pelleriti Wines, in 2007. In this project, Marcelo set out to revalue the terroirs that marked the beginning of his career.
Today, Marcelo remembers childhood days on a farm where he and his grandfather would tread grapes to make homemade wine. He has come a long way since then, yet he has never forgotten the farms that gave birth to his dream of making wine.
Marcelo Pelleriti is a featured speaker at SommCon San Diego